The "Video Glossary of Literary Terms", produced by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies of The Education University of Hong Kong, is an animated series which consists of 11 episodes. The series aims to explain literary terms in a fun and vivid way, so as to facilitate teaching and learning in schools.

Produced by:

Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong


Dr CHANG, Tsung-chi Hawk (Assistant Professor, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, EdUHK)

Dr TSE, Yin Nga Kelly (Assistant Professor, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, EdUHK)

Dr Lucinda Newns (Lecturer in Postcolonial and World Literatures, Department of English, King's College London)

Scripts written by:

Department of Literature and Cultural Studies,

Students from the Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language), The Education University of Hong Kong

For more education videos, please refer to our YouTube channel.

If you would like to provide feedback to us, please contact our department by email: or phone: (852) 2948 7979.